Committee Membership

The membership of the Committee for Survivors is comprised of the Operations Managers of Tautoko Tāne Aotearoa (TTA) Member Organisations (TMO’s), our Te Kairaranga (national community weaver) and our Māngai Pūtahi ā-motu (national community engagement advocate). In accordance with our Board Charter, the Committee will operate as a formal advisory committee to the Board, which will appoint two Trustees to the Committee, one of whom will act as Chair.

Our Te Kairaranga works with TMO managers to build an engaged national community of service leaders to champion the purpose and ambition of TTA and to collaborate on growing the national network of support services for male survivors.

Our Māngai Pūtahi ā-motu works with TMO Managers to further the ambition of TTA by enabling and supporting their collaborative engagement with their local stakeholder communities including relevant sector organisations.

Male survivors are welcome to provide input and advice to the Committee for Survivors by emailing the committee at

Our Mandate

The mandate of the Committee for Survivors, which is detailed in their Terms of Reference (PDF), is essentially three-fold:

1. To act as the ‘consumer advocacy group’ – a role performed in accordance with our National Service Standards – to help assure the relevance and quality of the support services we provide for male survivors by providing feedback and advice on service policies and the service experience of survivors and their family/whanau and supporters.

2. To provide a collective ‘sounding board’ for the TTA Board of Trustees by providing survivor-informed advice on TTA and TMO advocacy, education, policies and practices.

3. To enable and support the shared purpose and ambition of TTA and its TMO’s by acting collectively and individually as champions for the cause of the male survivor community in Aotearoa.

The intention is that the Committee for Survivors will hold two national hui each year, the outcomes of which will be published on the TTA website.

Together we are building a national network
of local community services to support male 
survivors of sexual violence

Committee of Survivors Members

Uipo Uipo-Tagaloasa

Uipo Uipo-Tagaloasa

Pasifika Liaison Tautoko Tāne Bay of Plenty
027 333 3138
Paul Moffat

Paul Moffat

Tautoko Tāne Te Tai Tokerau
021 378987
Bruce Montgomery

Bruce Montgomery

Tautoko Tāne Bay of Plenty
027 271 8898
Michael Chamberlain

Michael Chamberlain

Tautoko Tāne Ōtākou (Male Support Services Southern)
03 425 8018