For service related queries and information, please contact the support organisation nearest to you.

North Island

Bay of Plenty/Toi-te-Huatahi

Tautoko Tāne Bay of Plenty

Office location: Tauranga
Lead Counsellor: Bruce Montgomery
Lead Peer Worker: Uipo Uipo-Tagaloasa
Phone: Crisis Support 0800 677 289

South Island


Tautoko Tāne Ōtākou (Male Support Services Southern)

Office location: Dunedin
Manager: Michael Chamberlain
Phone: 03 425 8018

National Office


Tautoko Tāne Aotearoa

Chair: Philip Chapman MNZM
Pou Whakahaere, Executive Trustee/Treasurer: Tony Chamberlain
Te Kairaranga: Mike Subritzky
Pasifika Liaison: Uipo Uipo-Tagaloasa