All male survivors of sexual violence have access to a sustainable national network of appropriate, high-quality support services.
Ko te katoa o ngā morehu tāne i taitōkaihia, e āhei ana ki te whai i ngā hononga ki ngā ratonga.

E mōhio ana mātou ki tō mātou whakapapa kākanoruatanga me te mana o Te Tiriti o Waitangi, ā, e mahi ngātahi ana mātou ki te tangata whenua.

We recognise our bi-cultural heritage and the status of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and we work in partnership with the Tangata Whenua.


He Whai Take
Ka whai take mātou i ngā wā katoa; ko ngā morehu kei mua tonu i te aroaro, ā, ko o rātou aronga te whāinga matua; ka kimi rautaki whakarauora tonu i tō rātou ora.

Always on purpose
Putting survivors first and always acting in their best interests; always seeking ways to improve their wellbeing.


He Ngaio
He mahi i roto i te whai tikanga, i te whai whakaaro me te pono tonu; he mahi tūturu ki te whakamana me te whakaawe i ngā tikanga ngaio ki tōna ikeikenga.

Always ethical, open and honest
Acting authentically and with integrity and aspiring to the highest standards of professional practice.

Mahi tahi

He Mahi Tahi
Ka mahi tahi i ngā wā katoa; he whakatina i ngā here o te tangata i runga anō i ngā mātāpono tauawhiawhi, tautiaki me te whakamiha hoki; he mahi tahi ki te whakatutuki i ō mātou awhero hoki mō te anamata.

Always collegial
Building meaningful relationships based on mutual value, trust and respect; and working together to achieve our ambition for the future.

Our Key Strategies


Building Quality Frameworks

Developing and implementing national standards, policies and guidelines that have integrated Mātauranga Māori and Te Ao Māori principles and practices, and credentialise and quality assure our survivor support services.

Success Measures

Tautoko Tāne peer support services reflect international best practice, are appropriately reflective of our partnership with Māori, and are recognised by professional and government agencies as an enabling, effective, and professional male survivor support service.

Developing Our People

Developing and implementing national education programs that reflect our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and enable our people to become confident, culturally responsive, and proficient peer support professionals.

All Tautoko Tāne support services are delivered by appropriately qualified and culturally responsive managers and staff and regional service review outcomes and survivor feedback witness our commitment to partnership with Māori and attests to the proficiency and professionalism of our people.

Welcoming Survivors

Increasing public awareness of male survivors and the cultural and geographical accessibility of our support services, assuring our service quality, and encouraging more male
survivors to seek our help.

Tautoko Tāne enables and supports an accessible national network of quality service providers that deliver nationally compliant, culturally appropriate, and effective support services to an expanding community of male survivors across Aotearoa.

Sustaining Our Work

Building a sustainable national network of support services with effective governance and operational frameworks that are reflective of and responsive to their local communities and assure the viability of our service providers.

Tautoko Tāne assures the accessibility of appropriate support services for all male survivors in New Zealand through secure national and regional funding arrangements, including ongoing philanthropic support, and locally engaged and responsive governance and management processes.