All of our programmes are intended to be available to people working with TTA or our Member Organisations (TMO). Our residential programmes are available on application, subject to programme demand and course schedules. These programmes may also be available to external parties on payment of a course fee.

Residential Programmes

Purposeful Peer Support – Foundations (pilot)

A beginners programme to introduce people to purposeful peer support. Designed to enable potential peer-workers to experience the practice. Reserved for invited pilot programme guests.

3-day residential programme (June 10-12, 2024, Taranaki)

Purposeful Peer Support Aotearoa – Principles & Practice

An introduction to the Purposeful Peer Support Aotearoa framework.

5-day residential programme (dates and venue to be confirmed)

Purposeful Peer Support – GroupWorks

Facilitating Purposeful Peer Support groups.

4-day residential programme (dates and venue to be confirmed)

Purposeful Peer Support – Reflective Practice (pilot)

An advanced learning programme for purposeful peer support workers. Reserved for Tautoko Tāne Managers.

3-day residential programme (July 8-10, 2024, Taranaki)