Research article: Evaluation of PartnerSPEAK
The findings of interviews with peer support workers address how the use of multiple instances of the intentional peer support model implemented by PartnerSPEAK has a mutual benefit for both…
The sexual harm helpline can be accessed free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone, text, website, online chat and email.
The findings of interviews with peer support workers address how the use of multiple instances of the intentional peer support model implemented by PartnerSPEAK has a mutual benefit for both…
Hyperallergic speaks to director Robert Greene and three survivors of sexual abuse by Catholic priests about their new film Procession. Published in Hyperallergic
This Practice Note on Covi-19 Vaccination policy provides guidance for its member organisations providing face-to-face support services in a Covid-19 environment. Download Practice Note (PDF)
An independent review into the access and use of client information within ACC will be led by prominent lawyer Linda Clark. Published in Radio New Zealand
There is a widespread and systematic problem of ACC staff having inappropriate access to the files of sexual abuse survivors, advocates say. Published in Radio New Zealand
A technical assistance guide from the National Research Centre on Domestic Violence Download publication (PDF) Author: National Research Centre on Domestic Violence2017
Read article (PDF) Author: Alison Noël BurkeOctober 2021
Trauma-informed peer support helps create a shared understanding of trauma experiences, the different ways people cope, give and receive support, and recover. It fosters healing relationships, which negate the power and control of traditional…
OPINION: Never look a gift horse in the mouth. That’s the first phrase that sprang to mind when Dilworth School announced plans to compensate former students who were sexually abused…
The head of the New Zealand Catholic church has asked the Vatican for permission to launch an investigation into the handling of complaints about a priest who groomed a teenage…
ACC is spending nearly 45 million dollars on a bid to prevent sexual violence, including $11.7 million for kaupapa Māori approaches.
A priest convicted of grooming a teenage girl to send him nude photos was the subject of a previous complaint that was covered up by the Tongan Catholic Church. The…
Thousands of child exploitation images, including images of children as young as two being raped and tortured, were found on a laptop computer discarded at an apartment rubbish dump. The…
A web-crawling software will be used in New Zealand with the aim of detecting and removing child sex abuse material. The New Zealand Classification Office has joined a one-year pilot…
Phillip Chapman, MSA Chair “We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked, and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We…
Read article (PDF) Primary author: One in Three Campaign9 Sept 2021
A new support service for male survivors of sexual abuse is run by men, for men, with a particular focus on te tāne Tairāwhiti. Published in Pīpīwharauroa / Tūranganui-ā-Kiwa.
Oranga Tamariki was warned about restraints at a Christchurch care and protection residence months before it was finally closed. The concerns are highlighted in a December 2020 report by the…
Read article (PDF) Primary author: Cortis, Kyle Jason. American International CollegeMay 2021
Title: The Relationship Experiences of Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse: A Qualitative Analysis Although the experience of sexual abuse is quite common among men, particularly among those in clinical populations,…
This is the first population-based prevalence research exploring experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV) among disabled people in Aotearoa New Zealand. The researchers also explored prevalence rates of non-partner violence…
WARNING: This article references indecent assault and suicide. A Wellington man says his life has been destroyed by an indecent assault and what he sees as significant failings by the…
In the first in-depth technical briefing on the discovery, researchers have called on authorities to release school records to help them identify the victims. Published in SBS News
Sheltered By Grace is a non-government funded Charity which is an accredited, level 3 Support Accommodation service based in South East Queensland that houses Single Men over the age of…