Kia Mārire (“Effectiveness with Māori”) is the national strategy of Male Survivors Aotearoa to provide a range of support services that are effective for Māori. This strategy is intended to manifest our national policy (Working with Maori – PDF), which is firmly rooted in our commitment to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi – principles of partnership and participation that require us to work with Māori to develop and integrate support services that are culturally appropriate for our Māori male-survivor community.

The strategy is also designed to address the current reality that our national client base includes a large number of male survivors who identify as Māori and in some regions represent more than 50% of the male-survivor communities that seek our support. We are deeply conscious that in order to serve those communities effectively, we need to enable and support recovery pathways that respect and embrace their cultural values.

Our Kia Mārire strategy is now an integral part of our overall Strategic Agenda ensuring that our intended partnership with Māori is appropriately referenced in each of our core operational strategies over the next three year – F2024 to F2026.

  • Building quality frameworks
    • integrating Mātauranga Māori and Te Ao Māori principles and practices within our policy and practice frameworks 
  • Developing our people
    • developing education programs that reflect our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi; launching our Tautoko Tāne leadership program
  • Welcoming survivors
    • ensuring that our services are culturally responsive for the Māori communities they serve; progressively developing regionally responsive services
  • Sustaining our work
    • increasing our engagement with local Iwi communities and Māori organisations; sustaining active Māori participation within our national and regional governance and operational service portfolios.