A Liturgy of Lament: We cannot move forward if we cannot recognise the impact of our past
A service in response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care. Streamed live on 5 Sept 2024 at the Transitional Cathedral.
The sexual harm helpline can be accessed free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone, text, website, online chat and email.
A service in response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care. Streamed live on 5 Sept 2024 at the Transitional Cathedral.
Almost 50 years after the horrific offending which ruined the lives of two of his former pupils, ex-teacher and former Marist religious brother Charles Afeaki on Wednesday night began a…
After decades hoping for change, one of the first abuse in care survivors to speak out has died before he could see it happen. His family and friends say survivors…
Some senior public servants implicated in the state abuse cover-up remain in positions of power – including Solicitor-General Una Jagose and Education Secretary Iona Holsted. Now the minister leading the…
Hello! Here’s this week’s free edition of More Than A Feilding which you are invited to share far and wide for reasons which should soon become clear.
Warning: This story discusses sexual abuse, as well as physical and psychological abuse endured in state care. It also discusses suicide, depression and mental health. From the Featherston girls’ home…
Government’s Response to the Royal Commission’s Report into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions.
Despite the many, many recommendations in today’s final inquiry report, there are still some glaring omissions, writes Steve Goodlass.
The 112 politicians and senior public servants who oversaw decades of harm and neglect, plus those who have been asked to apologise.
E hara taku toa I te takitahi. Te toa takitini “My strength is not as an individual, but as a collective” When we gave our opening at the Faith-based Phase…
Social networking sites and online forums are becoming a safe space for people to find supportive online communities where they can self-disclose sensitive matters anonymously without fearing an adverse reaction….
The Royal Commission on Abuse in Care has just delivered its much-delayed final report. But an earlier report, filed in December 2021, said abuse survivors needed an independent payment scheme…
Tautoko Tāne Aotearoa publishes part two of a research study on effective support services for male suriviors of sexual violence.
A Christchurch park and road have been renamed to remove the reminder of the dark past of Marylands School. From Thursday, the former Marylands Reserve and Marylands Place will be…
Philip Chapman has been recognised for his support to men in hardship.
Peer support services are rapidly gaining mainstream acceptance thanks to recent federal initiatives, new reimbursement opportunities and the fallout from the opioid crisis.
Report by Jo Reilly, Churchill Fellowship 2023
For the men who survived “evil” sexual and physical abuse in a Catholic boys’ home in Christchurch, last week was the first time authority figures gave them a reason to…
Auckland’s Dilworth boarding school was set up to to provide education to boys from disadvantaged backgrounds for free.
Research on barriers that exist for male victims/survivors of sexual abuse in relation to disclosing their experiences is limited. This article shares qualitative data in relation to disclosure and help-seeking…
Lived experience allyship in mental health services: Recommendations for improved uptake of allyship roles in support of peer workforces.
Opinion: As the ink dries on the Royal Commission’s report in abuse in state care, what must it be like for survivors to witness the Government’s direction on boot camps…
Former Marist Brother Charles Afeaki will be sentenced in May for his abuse of two 11-year-old boys in the 1970s. The wealthy Marist Brothers will pay out just $45,000 in…
A study exploring how South Asian cultural norms shape disclosure and help-seeking for male survivors in the UK. By B. Kennath Widanaralalage, Stacey Jennings, Coral Dando, Jay-Marie Mackenzie